Top 10 Leading aluminium 1100 manufacturers & suppliers in the world

2023-06-14 18:59 392 View

  As a lightweight and durable metal, aluminium is used widely across a range of industries. Aluminium 1100, in particular, is popular due to its excellent corrosion-resistance and high thermal and electrical conductivity. Here are the top 10 leading manufacturers and suppliers of aluminium 1100 in the world:

  1. Alcoa Corporation

  Alcoa Corporation is a leading global aluminium producer with operations in 10 countries and over 14,000 employees. They produce high-quality aluminium 1100 products for various applications, including aerospace, automotive, and packaging.

  2. Rio Tinto Aluminium

  Rio Tinto Aluminium, a division of Rio Tinto Group, is a top-tier aluminium producer with operations in over 35 countries. They produce aluminium 1100 products for a range of applications, including construction, transportation, and consumer goods.

  3. Novelis Inc.

  Novelis Inc. is a global leader in aluminium rolled products and recycling. They produce high-quality aluminium 1100 products for several applications, including automotive, beverage cans, and specialty products.

  4. Hydro Aluminium

  Hydro Aluminium is a leading supplier of aluminium products, including aluminium 1100, to various industries worldwide. They have operations in more than 40 countries and employ around 35,000 people globally.

  5. Constellium

  Constellium is a global leader in the production and supply of high-quality aluminium products. They produce aluminium 1100 products for various applications, including packaging, aerospace, automotive, and energy.

  6. Kaiser Aluminum

  Kaiser Aluminum is a leading producer of high-quality aluminium products, including aluminium 1100. They serve various industries, including aerospace, automotive, and general engineering.

  7. Norsk Hydro

  Norsk Hydro is one of the world's largest producers of primary aluminium and aluminium products. They produce aluminium 1100 for several applications, including transportation, construction, and packaging.

  8. JW Aluminum

  JW Aluminum is a leading producer of high-quality aluminium products, including aluminium 1100. They serve various industries, including construction, automotive, food packaging, and electrical.

  9. Amag Austria Metall AG

  Amag Austria Metall AG is a leading producer of high-quality aluminium products, including aluminium 1100. They serve various industries, including automotive, aerospace, and general engineering.

  10. UACJ Corporation

  UACJ Corporation is a leading Japanese producer of high-quality aluminium products, including aluminium 1100. They serve various industries, including automotive, construction, and electronics.

  In conclusion, the above listed companies are the leading manufacturers and suppliers of aluminium 1100 globally. They produce high-quality aluminium products that cater to a wide range of industries, and their products are renowned for their excellent corrosion-resistance and high thermal and electrical conductivity.

>> aluminium 1100 aluminium 4040

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